What did Alondra Hobbs do? Georgia mom arrested after mummified childs body found in an apartmen

27-year-old Alondra Hobbs was captured on Thursday and has been blamed for killing her girl. Similar has been affirmed by DeKalb Province Police Office. The casualty has been distinguished as seven-year-old Alivia Hobbs-Jordan. Hobbs has been accused of second-degree mercilessness and crime murder, in association with the demise of Alivia.

An official from the DeKalb District Police Division found the remaining parts of the seven-year-old young lady in the wardrobe to unit 29, at the Secret Valley Condos on Hazy Water Drive in Decatur. Cops showed up at the site subsequent to getting a secretive call that detailed the body.

A neighbor informed the police that a previous occupant was residing in the house, notwithstanding, has moved out a couple of months back. The neighbor additionally added that she had not seen the inhabitant from that point forward. Soon after the revelation of the carcass, manslaughter analysts dominated.

Alondra Hobbs has to deal with penalties of homicide for purportedly killing her little girl Alivia Hobbs-Jordan who was only 7 years of age
The examination started after the police got an obscure call that guaranteed that a body of a minor had been full in the wardrobe.

As per DeKalb Region Police Division, the complainant didn’t uncover his own character separated from letting them know the area of the carcass. The complainant leveled uncovered no further insights about the person in question or the case, at all.

“I checked the area and saw what had all the earmarks of being an adolescent female (roughly 2-4 years old) perished in the storage room. I saw what had all the earmarks of being a full head of hair and rotted tissue that was as an arm and leg,” an answering official said.
As per the underlying occurrence report, Alondra Hobbs and one more male had been considered as “different people included.” In any case, no extra data was uncovered. The horrendous revelation has concerned the nearby individuals and the neighbors.

The man clearly was available at the scene at around 4 pm neighborhood time on June 25, 2023. It was then that he saw the entryway of the house completely open.

Subsequent to drawing nearer to the house, he got a foul smell, purportedly coming from inside the house. The man purportedly went inside the house to check and found each item positioned as it were, as though somebody left in a rush. The man additionally said:

At last, on Thursday, cops captured Alondra Hobbs in association with her girl’s homicide. Specialists are right now examining the case. Alondra Hobbs’ auntie, Latrience Robinson, said:

“I got up toward the beginning of today and it’s been at the forefront of my thoughts day in and day out. I don’t have the foggiest idea. I haven’t handled it. I’m as yet not trusting it. My sister was saying, ‘Latriece, you realize that was Alivia they tracked down dead in DeKalb,’ I truly could hardly imagine how.”

Neighbors additionally uncovered that they had seen a lady residing in the house, nonetheless, they never saw a youngster there.

DeKalb Province Police Division has asked general society to connect with them in the event that they have any data in regards to Alondra Hobbs or the supposed wrongdoing.
